Help in #DeliveringThanksgiving to 2000 families this year!
Thank you SO much for helping out fami
lies in need, in your area, this Thanksgiving!
Your donation is used to purchase food and items that will be included in the baskets. Each basket feeds a family of five on Thanksgiving Day. Monetary donations are the most efficient way to help and the most needed.
Simply click one of the amounts below or “Specify Another Donation Amount.”
Donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law, we are a Non-Profit 501(c)3.
The secret to LIVING is GIVING.
For Donating by Check, please make payable to The Lorraine M. Walsh Memorial Foundation and mail to:
The Lorraine M. Walsh Memorial Foundation
c/o Allegra Marketing Print & Mail
453 S Vermont Street Unit A – Palatine, IL 60067
The Basket Brigade of Suburban Chicago is a division of The Lorraine M. Walsh Memorial Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charity.
All donations are tax deductible. FEIN: 47-5225925.
You can download a copy of our Federal Tax Exemption Letter by clicking the here.